The Ljósálfar in Norse Mythology are light elves who dwell in the realm of Álfheimr. They are known for their radiant beauty and grace, living in a realm bathed in perpetual light. Unlike their counterparts, the dark elves or Dökkálfar, the Ljósálfar are associated with concepts of light, purity, and harmony. They play various roles in Norse mythology, often depicted as guardians of nature and intermediaries between gods and mortals.
Álfheimr: The Realm of the Ljósálfar
In Norse mythology, Álfheimr is depicted as one of the Nine Worlds, home to the elves, including the Ljósálfar or light elves. Although the extant sources provide limited direct information about Álfheimr, its significance is evident in various mythological narratives. For instance, in the Prose Edda, written by Snorri Sturluson in the 13th century, Álfheimr is mentioned as the realm ruled by Freyr, the Norse god associated with fertility and prosperity. Freyr is often depicted as closely connected to the elves, indicating their presence in Álfheimr.
Additionally, in the Poetic Edda, specifically in the poem “Grímnismál,” there is a mention of Álfheimr as one of the realms traversed by the god Odin during his journeys through the cosmos. The poem describes Álfheimr as a realm of light and beauty, suggesting its association with the Ljósálfar. Moreover, various kennings (poetic metaphors) used in Old Norse poetry refer to elves and their realm, further highlighting the significance of Álfheimr in Norse cosmology.
Although the descriptions of Álfheimr are relatively sparse compared to other realms, its portrayal as the home of the Ljósálfar in Norse mythology underscores its importance as a mystical and enchanting realm within the Norse cosmos.

Ljósálfar in Norse Mythology: Documented Examples
The term “Ljósálfar,” or light elves, appears primarily in the Prose Edda, with minimal usage in other works that derive from it. Notably, it does not feature in the source poetry of Norse mythology. While specific named Ljósálfar characters are not attested in surviving texts, it’s important to recognize the limitations of our knowledge. Norse mythology, like many oral traditions, likely underwent alterations and omissions over time, with some myths lost altogether. Additionally, the documentation of these myths by later folklorists may have further influenced their portrayal. As such, while we cannot definitively identify any named Ljósálfar characters in Norse mythology, it’s possible that such figures existed in narratives now lost to history.