How to Say Hello in Icelandic | 15 Common Phrases for Travelers

How to Say Hello in Icelandic

Heading to Iceland? While most Icelanders speak excellent English, knowing how to say hello in Icelandic or using other popular phrases demonstrates respect and fosters positive connections.

  • 1. “Hello” – Góðan daginn
  • How do you say it? Greet locals with a warm “Góðan daginn,” meaning “Hello.”
  • How is it pronounced? Pronounce it like “Goh-than dah-gin.”
  • Hear the pronunciation: Góðan daginn on Google Translate

    2. “Thank You” – Takk
  • How do you say it? Express gratitude with a simple “Takk,” meaning “Thank you.”
  • How is it pronounced? Pronounce it like “Tahk.”
  • Hear the pronunciation: Takk on Google Translate

    3. “Please” – Vinsamlegast
  • How do you say it? Politely request with “Vinsamlegast,” meaning “Please.”
  • How is it pronounced? Pronounce it like “Vin-sam-leh-gast.”
  • Hear the pronunciation: Vinsamlegast on Google Translate

    4. “Excuse me” – Afsakið
  • How do you say it? Apologize or get someone’s attention with “Afsakið,” meaning “Excuse me.”
  • How is it pronounced? Pronounce it like “Af-sa-kith.”
  • Hear the pronunciation: Afsakið on Google Translate

    5. “Yes” – Já
  • How do you say it? Affirm with a simple “Já,” meaning “Yes.”
  • How is it pronounced? Pronounce it like “Yow.”
  • Hear the pronunciation: Já on Google Translate

    6. “No” – Nei
  • How do you say it? Negate with “Nei,” meaning “No.”
  • How is it pronounced? Pronounce it like “Nay.”
  • Hear the pronunciation: Nei on Google Translate

    7. “Goodbye” – Bless
  • How do you say it? Bid farewell with “Bless,” meaning “Goodbye.”
  • How is it pronounced? Pronounce it like “Bless.”
  • Hear the pronunciation: Bless on Google Translate

    8. “Water” – Vatn
  • How do you say it? Stay hydrated with “Vatn,” meaning “Water.”
  • How is it pronounced? Pronounce it like “Vatn.”
  • Hear the pronunciation: Vatn on Google Translate

    9. “Food” – Matur
  • How do you say it? Discuss dining options with “Matur,” meaning “Food.”
  • How is it pronounced? Pronounce it like “Mah-tur.”
  • Hear the pronunciation: Matur on Google Translate

    10. “Help” – Hjálp
  • How do you say it? Seek assistance with “Hjálp,” meaning “Help.”
  • How is it pronounced? Pronounce it like “Hyawlp.”
  • Hear the pronunciation: Hjálp on Google Translate

    11. “Sorry” – Fyrirgefðu
  • How do you say it? Apologize with “Fyrirgefðu,” meaning “Sorry.”
  • How is it pronounced? Pronounce it like “Fir-ir-gef-thu.”
  • Hear the pronunciation: Fyrirgefðu on Google Translate

    12. “Exciting” – Spennandi
  • How do you say it? Express enthusiasm with “Spennandi,” meaning “Exciting.”
  • How is it pronounced? Pronounce it like “Spen-nan-di.”
  • Hear the pronunciation: Spennandi on Google Translate

    13. “I don’t understand” – Ég skil ekki
  • How do you say it? Communicate confusion with “Ég skil ekki,” meaning “I don’t understand.”
  • How is it pronounced? Pronounce it like “Yeh skil ehkki.”
  • Hear the pronunciation: Ég skil ekki on Google Translate

    14. “Where is the bathroom?” – Hvar er klósett?
  • How do you say it? Inquire about the bathroom with “Hvar er klósett?,” meaning “Where is the bathroom?”
  • How is it pronounced? Pronounce it like “Kvar er kloh-set?”
  • Hear the pronunciation: Hvar er klósett? on Google Translate

    15. “How much does this cost?” – Hvað kostar þetta?
  • How do you say it? Ask about prices with “Hvað kostar þetta?,” meaning “How much does this cost?”
  • How is it pronounced? Pronounce it like “Kvath kostar thet-ta?”
  • Hear the pronunciation: Hvað kostar þetta? on Google Translate

In conclusion, while it is not crucial for basic communication, understanding how to say hello in Icelandic (or other phrases) can leave a lasting positive impression. It’s not just a linguistic courtesy but also an excellent opportunity to acquaint yourself with the richness of the Icelandic language, enhancing your travel experience.

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